As project leader, I would like to give you an update on the WEF-Herzing University MBA Program 2019-2021 and WEF-Herzing University MBA Program 2017-2019.
WEF-Herzing University MBA Scholarship Program 2017-2019
Things are going well for the 10 scholars that graduated and completed their MBA degrees and are now doing OPT (Optional Professional Training). Some of them are actively involved and have also helped the new scholars in 2019-2021 batches.
WEF-Herzing University MBA Scholarship Program 2019-2021
Despite the challenges posed by Covid-19 including travel restrictions all 10 scholars completed their MBA Degrees. Scholar are in the process to get their OPT (Optional Professional Training).
We think we are in good shape with this program and we are very proudly announcing that with your help 20 students achieve their MBA degrees from Herzing University in Atlanta, US.

As you know, we are always looking for funding and we need your help. If you can come forward to help us find funds, connect us with potential donors this will really help us overcome the challenges and break the cycle of generational poverty.
We look forward to hearing from you with your valuable input.
Thank you.
Asma Zafar
Program Manager WEF