We are thrilled to announce that Worldwide Education Fund of The Dallas Foundation (WEF) achieved another milestone by securing the $50,000 grant from The Million Dollar Round Table Foundation (MDRT F) in 2023. The grant cycle was successfully completed and we were able to conclude the Global Virtual School’s fall session on a high note, with nearly 700 students across Central Asia, South Asia, and West Africa successfully completing their course. The session was marked by joy, excitement, and a thirst for knowledge. The Global Virtual School (GVS), is an innovative online learning center that provides high-quality English-language instruction to underprivileged youths in remote areas across the globe.

We are incredibly grateful to MDRT F for recognizing the importance of education and its transformative power for disadvantaged communities around the globe. With this grant, we were able to enhance and broaden the impact of the Global Virtual School, reaching even more deserving students who lack access to quality education due to geographical or economic barriers and break the cycle of generational poverty across continents.
For more detailed information about this milestone, we encourage you to refer to the article published by Million Dollar Round Table Foundation (MDRT F), which sheds further light on the significance of their generous grant to WEF for Global Virtual School initiative.
Article Link: https://www.mdrt.org/learn/2023/html/education-and-elevation/