Digital Marketing Assistant Program, Tajikistan

Location: Tajikistan

Status: Active

Project Description:

This comprehensive initiative focuses on delivering Digital Marketing courses at UCA-SPCE through certified facilitators, mirroring the successful model established for the Cyber Security course. With the overarching goal of creating employment opportunities for youth in Central Asia, the project adopts a “train the trainer” approach. Qualified candidates with teaching skills and an IT background are identified, certifying themselves and committing to two years of teaching at local learning institutions. Following certification, these facilitators will collaborate with UCA-SPCE to initiate Digital Marketing Assistant Courses, and subsequently, UCA-SPCE will employ them to teach online.

To ensure accessibility, the courses will be integrated into UCA’s Learning Management System (LMS), enabling online training for students in Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. The chosen facilitators will undergo a digital marketing certification course offered by Shaw Academy (

The project’s Proof of Concept Execution Plan includes connecting graduates with emerging digital marketing skills to opportunities in IT services and consulting companies, thereby fostering a comprehensive approach to skill development and sustainable employment in the region.

Current Impact:

Twenty individuals from the remote valleys of Tajikistan are participating in the program, comprising 18 women and 2 men.

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